Thursday, August 20, 2009

silly mp3 converters

i don't have very good mp3 converters so some songs, when they transit to the next, they pop. stupid things. the WAV files don't pop. dumB.

anyways, i have a few problems with my album that i just reviewed again.

-i speed-pick a tonne. maybe a little too much. damn. i'll change that next album.

-i'm not sure on a couple of artistic decisions on how the song ultimately sounds. i didn't intend lullaby to sound like a lullaby..... yet. i wanted it to be screaming with a vast ambience to it. but i'm definately gonna release it later in a lullaby form. ellya.

-in The Last Sunset song, the end could use more ambience tones then just having the beginning static fade into hyper compression.

-Aintree's 4th movement: Doubt, which sounds like doubt to me, seemed rushed. it wasn't rushed at all though. it took me 14+hours to create Aintree. I don't really know what to do with that. i may just leave it.

-Death of a Whale is badass though. it's not really a problem. it's just badass.

-Cold, Dark, Germany's 2nd movement: Brides of Dracula, didn't have convincing emulated tape hiss....... hm?

i hope that it was still a sweet experience for you though. I may fix these things and repost it..... again. but until then

Au Revoir.

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