Somnium EP can be livestreamed or purchased here
it has been a really long time. i decided to write to this again to further explain the new EP i've been working on: Somnium.
Somnium is a sci-fi fantasy novel written around 1600 by Johannes Kepler who was a mathematician and astronomer. His life long goal was to understand. While teaching one day he realized a pattern with the planets and thought they could fit into polygons. this wasn't exactly true but the idea was there. he needed hard observations and he could get them from Tycho Brahe, a swedish astronomer. Kepler was exiled because of his research and books he wrote on his theories. so, he went to Tycho Brahe who was a rich pompous fool who loved to indulge in wine and dance and such. Kepler was stern and was only interested in the data Tycho had collected but Tycho was basically being a dick about it so Kepler left. on Tycho's deathbed he sent his data to Kepler and his last words were "Let me now seem to have lived in vain." with these new observations Kepler made his 3 laws of planetary motion which would paved the way for Newton to fit them into math. Kepler had a pretty good understanding of Physics and Biology at the time too. and Somnium summed all of his ideas into a grand adventure to the moon.
Somnium follows a young man named Duracotus who was sent over seas to study with Tycho Brahe. Upon his return, he was thrilled to show his mother his findings. His mother was a witch who confessed, at this point, that she knew all of this but not from Tycho. She knew it from The Daemon of Lavania that lived on the moon. With her powers combined with the Daemons it was possible to travel to the moon during a Lunar eclipse (which showed Kepler's understanding of conditions beyond our atmosphere). Furthermore, a sponge was needed to cover the mouth due to being outside of the atmosphere. The mother placed a blanket over both of their heads and Duracotus is sent upward as if shot from a cannon. At the point of neutral gravity between the earth and moon Kepler wrote:
"we are carried along almost entirely by our will alone, so that finally the bodily mass proceeds toward its destination of its own accord"
Duracotus reaches the moon which had extremely harsh conditions for life and the Daemon basically showed him around the moon. He marveled at all of the beautiful and brief life there was. The sun would destroy mostly everything every month cycle. and i imagine Duracotus looking up at Earth before he wakes up to pull a blanket of off his head. epic stuff. i wonder why no one has made a movie of it yet, or at least a short film.
so i went over some apollo 11 footage of armstrong and crew landing on the moon. and i felt thrilled but halfway bad. bad because that spirit of wonder and adventure and unity seem to be hidden nowadays. but "it's this spirit, the spirit of Apollo which can bring the people of the world together, in peace."-Nixon.
which is the point of my EP. the whole idea of pushing that boundary together as a union was why i decided to go back to school. i want to do something that will help mankind instead of things that just benefit me. and i still wonder how Kepler would've felt if he had seen the Apollo11 mission and known that his contribution to science made that a reality....
Somnium EP can be livestreamed or purchased here
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